About Clubhouse Territory
Clubhouse Territory is an incorporated, local, not-for-profit organisation, established in 2013. We have developed a reputation for being the strongest advocate and supporter of Inclusion in the Northern Territory, a title we are super proud of.
We are passionate about inclusion and providing initiatives to the community within the five key themes of sports participation, the arts, health, education and social inclusion.
In support of inclusion, we are now opening our services up to NDIS participants, their families and their carers. Our objectives, values and mission still remain: To promote and inspire inclusivity, establishing a genuinely inclusive community.
The broad objectives of the Clubhouse Project are to:
increase participation & involvement in all aspects of the community
create a greater sense of health & wellbeing
build access & inclusion for people with disabilities
improve self-worth & sense of achievement
provide training & employment
create a sense of community
provide support & education
encourage & establish collaborations & partnerships
The How!
​We aim to achieve this through a variety of regular and one off events and services which include;
the Be-Inclusive Games
NDIS Services including helping people with a disability access the community
sport focused and interactive disability awareness training for school aged children and corporate teams
student led inclusive events
event and service collaborations between local community, government organisations and departments in areas including mental health, disability, student support programs and services, health, be-active programs and local sporting activities
attendance at, and support for local community events, organisations and programs

We believe every person, regardless of age or ability, should have the opportunity to participate in the community.
Our Mission
To provide regular opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to participate in all aspects of life, building a happier, healthier and more inclusive community.

Our Vision
To promote and inspire inclusivity, establishing a genuinely inclusive community.